Here, I've used the Planar Graph Cut library on Prof. Olga Veksler's website to develop this program to segment an image using graph cuts.
OpenCV Code
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "windows.h"
#include "CutSegment.h" //include PlanarCut
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
unsigned char *loadSimplePPM(int &w, int &h, const string &filename) {
char line[1000];
int depth = 0;
unsigned char *rgb = 0;
long lastpos;
FILE *fh = fopen(filename.c_str(), "rb");
w = 0, h = 0;
fgets(line, 1000, fh);
if (strcmp(line, "P6\n")) {
cerr << filename << " ist keine PPM-Datei\n";
return false;
while (!feof(fh)) {
lastpos = ftell(fh);
fgets(line, 1000, fh);
if (line[0] == '#') {
} else if (!w) {
if (sscanf(line, "%d %d", &w, &h) < 2) {
cerr << "Fehler beim Auslesen der Datei " << filename;
cerr << " Breite und Hoehe des Bildes erwartet\n";
return 0;
} else if (!depth) {
if (sscanf(line, "%d", &depth) < 1) {
cerr << "Fehler beim Auslesen der Datei " << filename;
cerr << " Farbtiefe erwartet\n";
return 0;
} else {
rgb = new unsigned char[w*h*3];
fseek(fh, lastpos, SEEK_SET);
fread(rgb, 1, w*h*3, fh);
return rgb;
bool saveSimplePPM(unsigned char *rgb, int w, int h, const string &filename) {
ofstream fos(filename.c_str(), ios_base::binary);
ostringstream ost;
string s;
if (!fos)
return false;
fos << "P6" << endl;
ost << w << " " << h << endl;
fos << ost.str();
fos << "255" << endl;
fos.write((const char*)rgb, w*h*3);
return true;
unsigned char *RGBDataToGrey(unsigned char *rgb, int w, int h) {
unsigned char *pic = new unsigned char[w*h];
int i;
for (i=0; i<w*h; i++)
pic[i] = rgb[i*3];
return pic;
unsigned char *GreyDataToRGB(unsigned char *pic, int w, int h) {
unsigned char *rgb = new unsigned char[w*h*3];
int i;
for (i=0; i<w*h; i++)
rgb[i*3] = rgb[i*3+1] = rgb[i*3+2] = pic[i];
return rgb;
unsigned char *SegMaskAndGreyDataToRGB(CutPlanar::ELabel *mask, unsigned char *pic, int w, int h) {
unsigned char *rgb = new unsigned char[w*h*3];
int i;
for (i=0; i<w*h; i++) {
rgb[i*3] = (mask[i]==CutPlanar::LABEL_SINK) ? (unsigned char)(pic[i*3] / 255.f * 200.f) : 255;
rgb[i*3+1] = (unsigned char)(pic[i*3+1] / 255.f * 200.f);
rgb[i*3+2] = (mask[i]==CutPlanar::LABEL_SINK) ? 255 : (unsigned char)(pic[i*3+2] / 255.f * 200.f);
return rgb;
unsigned char *getSegmentationInfo(unsigned char *rgb, int w, int h) {
unsigned char *seginfo = new unsigned char[w*h];
unsigned char r, g, b;
int i;
for (i=0; i<w*h; i++) {
r = rgb[i*3];
g = rgb[i*3+1];
b = rgb[i*3+2];
if (r >= 240 && g <= 10 && b <= 10) {
seginfo[i] = 1;
} else if (r <= 10 && g <= 10 && b >= 240) {
seginfo[i] = 2;
} else {
seginfo[i] = 0;
return seginfo;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) {
CutSegment *sc;
int w, h;
uchar *seg, *rgb, *rgbNew, *grey;
CutPlanar::ELabel *mask;
size_t pos;
string picname, segname, basename, suffix;
char tmp[4096]; //just needed for windows character conversion
picname = "F:/PlanarCut/examples/pics/walk1.ppm";
pos = picname.rfind(".ppm");
if (pos == string::npos) {
cerr << "testCutGrid only accepts .ppm images\n";
return -1;
suffix = picname.substr(pos);
basename = picname.substr(0, pos);
picname = basename + suffix;
segname = basename + "seg" + suffix;
//load the prelabeled image from file
rgb = loadSimplePPM(w, h, segname);
seg = getSegmentationInfo(rgb, w, h);
delete [] rgb;
//load the image to be segmented from file
rgb = loadSimplePPM(w, h, picname);
grey = RGBDataToGrey(rgb, w, h);
cout << "Image width: " << w << " and image height " << h << endl;
//perform segmentation task
sc = new CutSegment(w, h);
cout << "Cut: " << sc->segment() << "\n";
mask = new CutPlanar::ELabel[w*h];
delete sc;
//read out segmentation result and save to disk
rgbNew = SegMaskAndGreyDataToRGB(mask, rgb, w, h);
saveSimplePPM(rgbNew, w, h, string("segresult.ppm"));
//release memory
delete [] grey;
delete [] rgb;
delete [] rgbNew;
delete [] seg;
delete [] mask;
return 0;
OpenCV Code
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "windows.h"
#include "CutSegment.h" //include PlanarCut
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
unsigned char *loadSimplePPM(int &w, int &h, const string &filename) {
char line[1000];
int depth = 0;
unsigned char *rgb = 0;
long lastpos;
FILE *fh = fopen(filename.c_str(), "rb");
w = 0, h = 0;
fgets(line, 1000, fh);
if (strcmp(line, "P6\n")) {
cerr << filename << " ist keine PPM-Datei\n";
return false;
while (!feof(fh)) {
lastpos = ftell(fh);
fgets(line, 1000, fh);
if (line[0] == '#') {
} else if (!w) {
if (sscanf(line, "%d %d", &w, &h) < 2) {
cerr << "Fehler beim Auslesen der Datei " << filename;
cerr << " Breite und Hoehe des Bildes erwartet\n";
return 0;
} else if (!depth) {
if (sscanf(line, "%d", &depth) < 1) {
cerr << "Fehler beim Auslesen der Datei " << filename;
cerr << " Farbtiefe erwartet\n";
return 0;
} else {
rgb = new unsigned char[w*h*3];
fseek(fh, lastpos, SEEK_SET);
fread(rgb, 1, w*h*3, fh);
return rgb;
bool saveSimplePPM(unsigned char *rgb, int w, int h, const string &filename) {
ofstream fos(filename.c_str(), ios_base::binary);
ostringstream ost;
string s;
if (!fos)
return false;
fos << "P6" << endl;
ost << w << " " << h << endl;
fos << ost.str();
fos << "255" << endl;
fos.write((const char*)rgb, w*h*3);
return true;
unsigned char *RGBDataToGrey(unsigned char *rgb, int w, int h) {
unsigned char *pic = new unsigned char[w*h];
int i;
for (i=0; i<w*h; i++)
pic[i] = rgb[i*3];
return pic;
unsigned char *GreyDataToRGB(unsigned char *pic, int w, int h) {
unsigned char *rgb = new unsigned char[w*h*3];
int i;
for (i=0; i<w*h; i++)
rgb[i*3] = rgb[i*3+1] = rgb[i*3+2] = pic[i];
return rgb;
unsigned char *SegMaskAndGreyDataToRGB(CutPlanar::ELabel *mask, unsigned char *pic, int w, int h) {
unsigned char *rgb = new unsigned char[w*h*3];
int i;
for (i=0; i<w*h; i++) {
rgb[i*3] = (mask[i]==CutPlanar::LABEL_SINK) ? (unsigned char)(pic[i*3] / 255.f * 200.f) : 255;
rgb[i*3+1] = (unsigned char)(pic[i*3+1] / 255.f * 200.f);
rgb[i*3+2] = (mask[i]==CutPlanar::LABEL_SINK) ? 255 : (unsigned char)(pic[i*3+2] / 255.f * 200.f);
return rgb;
unsigned char *getSegmentationInfo(unsigned char *rgb, int w, int h) {
unsigned char *seginfo = new unsigned char[w*h];
unsigned char r, g, b;
int i;
for (i=0; i<w*h; i++) {
r = rgb[i*3];
g = rgb[i*3+1];
b = rgb[i*3+2];
if (r >= 240 && g <= 10 && b <= 10) {
seginfo[i] = 1;
} else if (r <= 10 && g <= 10 && b >= 240) {
seginfo[i] = 2;
} else {
seginfo[i] = 0;
return seginfo;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) {
CutSegment *sc;
int w, h;
uchar *seg, *rgb, *rgbNew, *grey;
CutPlanar::ELabel *mask;
size_t pos;
string picname, segname, basename, suffix;
char tmp[4096]; //just needed for windows character conversion
picname = "F:/PlanarCut/examples/pics/walk1.ppm";
pos = picname.rfind(".ppm");
if (pos == string::npos) {
cerr << "testCutGrid only accepts .ppm images\n";
return -1;
suffix = picname.substr(pos);
basename = picname.substr(0, pos);
picname = basename + suffix;
segname = basename + "seg" + suffix;
//load the prelabeled image from file
rgb = loadSimplePPM(w, h, segname);
seg = getSegmentationInfo(rgb, w, h);
delete [] rgb;
//load the image to be segmented from file
rgb = loadSimplePPM(w, h, picname);
grey = RGBDataToGrey(rgb, w, h);
cout << "Image width: " << w << " and image height " << h << endl;
//perform segmentation task
sc = new CutSegment(w, h);
cout << "Cut: " << sc->segment() << "\n";
mask = new CutPlanar::ELabel[w*h];
delete sc;
//read out segmentation result and save to disk
rgbNew = SegMaskAndGreyDataToRGB(mask, rgb, w, h);
saveSimplePPM(rgbNew, w, h, string("segresult.ppm"));
//release memory
delete [] grey;
delete [] rgb;
delete [] rgbNew;
delete [] seg;
delete [] mask;
return 0;
![]() |
Image to be Segmented |
![]() |
Pre-labeled Image |
![]() |
Segmentation Result |
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