Tuesday, May 8, 2012

4 Bit Priority Encoder in Verilog

Priority Encoder is an encoder circuit that includes a priority function. The operation is such that if two or more inputs are equal to 1 at the same time, the input having the highest priority will take precedence. 
Here, the priority decreases from right to left in the input. D[3] has the highest priority. V indicate the validity of the input (atleast one input should be 1) and the Y gives the output.(01 means 1, 10 means 2 like that...)

Behavioural Model : 4 Bit Priority Encoder

module PriorityEncoder_4Bit(
    input [0:3] D,
    output [1:0] Y,
    output V
reg [1:0] Y;
reg V;
always @(D)
Y[1] <= D[2] | D[3];
Y[0] <= D[3] | D[1] & ~D[2];
V = D[0] | D[1] | D[2] | D[3];

Test Bench : 4 Bit Priority Encoder

module PriorityEncoder_4Bit_Test;
// Inputs
reg [3:0] D;
// Outputs
wire [1:0] Y;
wire V;
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
PriorityEncoder_4Bit uut (
initial begin
// Initialize Inputs
D = 0;
// Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish
// Add stimulus here
#10 D = 4'b0000;
#10 D = 4'b1000;
#10 D = 4'b0100;
#10 D = 4'b0010;
#10 D = 4'b0001;
#10 D = 4'b1010;
#10 D = 4'b1111;
initial begin
$monitor("time=",$time,, "D=%b : Y=%b V=%b",D,Y,V);

Simulation Results

time= 000, D=0000 : Y=00 V=0
time= 120, D=1000 : Y=00 V=1
time= 130, D=0100 : Y=01 V=1
time= 140, D=0010 : Y=10 V=1
time= 150, D=0001 : Y=11 V=1
time= 160, D=1010 : Y=10 V=1
time= 170, D=1111 : Y=11 V=1


  1. what will happen if the high priority is D0 and the least priority is the D3?

  2. Reverse the ordering of the input pins...

  3. what's the difference of behavioral model and data flow model?

    1. Behavioral models describes the behavior and data flow model describes how the data flow happens in the circuit. However both try to interpret the behavior of the module.

      In the above example, if you use assign statements instead of 'always' block, then it becomes data flow model.

  4. thanx a lot. this one fetched me 5 marks in exam :)

  5. if the highest priority is D0 what will change in output Y1Y0

  6. if same priorities are come at time then what will happen

  7. write in conditional operator that same logic

  8. then we other scheduling algorithm called fcfs.

  9. what if V should just show if there is a request for priority? how the truth table should change?

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